
Clickable links from the footnotes in the book so you can access information more easily.

Expand each section by clicking the side arrow to find the footnotes you are looking for. Note: books, URLS and downloads are included here but not references to academic papers or clarifying notes.

(16) Hanson, R (2013) Hardwiring Happiness. London: Penguin

(21) Dweck, C (2014) The power of believing you can improve. TED Talk:

(26) Sarah Fisher (2007) Unlock your dog's potential, David and Charles.


Also see YouTube videos such as:

(27) Linda Tellington-Jones (2013), Getting in TTouch with Your Dog (2nd Edition), VT: Trafalgar Square Books

(28) Up (2009)

(29) Rugaas, T. (2006) On Talking Terms with Dogs: Calming Signals (2nd Edition). WA: Dogwise Publishing.

(30) Tim Gallwey (2001) The Inner Game of Work, NY: Random House

(31) Gutteridge, S (2019) Canine Communication: The Language of a Species. Independently published.

Aloff, B (2005) Canine Body Language, A Photographic Guide. WA: Dogwise.

Handelman, B (2008) Canine Behaviour, A Photo Illustrated Handbook. WA: Dogwise.



Book: Craig Ogilvie (2017) Interactive Play Guide, First Stone Publishing

(51) Kikopup YouTube Channel


(54) Eileen Anderson, Thresholds in Dog Training…HOW Many?

(55) Gallwey, WT (2000) The Inner Game of Work, NY: Random House.




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